Academy Days April 4-7!


Guest speaker Dr. Phodidas Ndamyumugabe
Guest speaker Dr. Phodidas Ndamyumugabe

On April the 4-7th we will be having a guest speaker come to CVA for Academy Days! It will be a weekend for spiritual growth, music and friendship, as we invite interested future students and their families to join us for a special weekend on campus.
The guest speaker will be Dr. Phodidas Ndamyumugabe, a professor of Weimar University in Weimar, CA.
He has always known God’s love and presence in his life. The Lord was with Dr. Phodidas during the Rwandan genocide in 1994 against the Tutsi, which he survived by digging his own grave and preaching to the murderers. This narrative is contained in his book “Preaching from the Grave.”
His lesson is that Daniel’s God and his three companions never alter how they treat the people. He is passionate about using evangelism and social action to reach the unreached and underprivileged. Don’t miss out on this important event! Hope to see you there!

Castle Valley Academy
320 E. Castleton Rd.
 Castle Valley, Utah 84532

Please Call for Reservations: